Ohio Truck Sales
Ohio's best location for used truck and semi sales.
Address: 1801 George St., Sandusky, OH 44870
Phone: 419-239-0155
Web: OhioTrucks.Com

4Eighty8 Performance
Karts and parts dealer / One of Ohio's premier 4-cycle kart racing teams, specializing in 206 racing on the Comet Eagle Chassis'.
Address: 708 Bartson Rd., Fremont, OH 43420
Phone: 419-307-9890
Web: 4Eighty8 Facebook Page

Scott Smith Racing
Locally owned and operated karts and parts dealer.
Phone: 567-201-9044
Web: Scott Smith Racing Facebook Page

Boss Pro Karting
Ohio's best indoor kart racing and events center. Electric Karts, Virtual Reality and Axe Throwing.
Address: 18301 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, OH 44142
Phone: 216-938-6335
Web: BossProKarting.Com

Michael Fox Remembrance Foundation
The Michael Fox Remembrance Foundation allows young people to learn educational skills, discipline, self-esteem, good work ethics and sportsmanship through racing.
Address: Po Box 92 New Springfield, Ohio 44443
Phone: 330-549-9856
Web: MichaelFoxFoundation.Com

JRT Driver Fitness
A comprehensive fitness website geared toward racing drivers.
Web: JRTDriverFitness.Com